With appropriate knowledge and management, physical therapy with GLP-1 receptor agonist therapy can truly complement each other. Since 2021, GLP-1 prescriptions have become more prevalent. A major reason for this is because these medications...
With appropriate knowledge and management, physical therapy with GLP-1 receptor agonist therapy can truly complement each other. Since 2021, GLP-1 prescriptions have become more prevalent. A major reason for this is because these medications...
I know I’m not alone in this, but breast cancer threw me for a loop! The diagnosis made me feel uncertain, unbalanced, and emotionally a wreck. I was not fully prepared for the difficulty of treatment, surgeries, and the anxiety that comes with...
In the clinic, there’s a commonly overlooked piece that plays a huge part in recovery. Can you guess what it is? If you guessed DIET, then you’re right on! Good nutrition is crucial for an optimal recovery. Along with proper...
"YOU HAVE CANCER” is one of the scariest phrases to hear in your lifetime. I clearly remember that cold, windy November afternoon when I received the phone call. The blood drained from my face and my stomach dropped while I envisioned...
Sometimes, when you start a really good book, it is just too hard to put it down. Consider making a few minutes of your reading time more productive by working your brain and body simultaneously! With these six book lovers’ exercises, you can...
Working in rehabilitation services, our physical therapists are often asked which is more appropriate to use, ice or heat? The short answer to the question is: it depends. It depends on the situation, and more specifically, the time frame...
We have made it to the latter part of February, which means spring is around the corner. Here in Iowa, we have even already seen some glimpses of spring with some warmer (relatively speaking) days and even some rain rather than snow. But the...
Are you struggling to get jars, bottles, and cans open? Before you resort to using your teeth, please read this! Through my 28 years of practice as an occupational therapist, one of the biggest challenges people with hand injuries, chronic hand pain,...
My name is Lexy Kent, and I am the billing specialist at Balanced Fitness & Health. I have had such a fantastic experience working here for the past year and a half, and it’s hard to put it into words. It has been incredibly rewarding to...
Do you know how to stand? Silly question, as most people will say, “Obviously, I know how to stand!” What if I told you that there isn’t a right or wrong way to stand, but there is a way to stand that is the least demanding on your...