Happy New Year!
While the excitement of all a new year can bring is wonderful, the reality of a cold, dark couple months ahead also begins to set in a week or two into January. The reality of the discipline it requires to stick with new goals seems overwhelming, and motivation dwindles as the cold weather and gloomy days seem never ending. During these times it is important to feed our body what it craves. Our bodies desire different foods during the different seasons of the year. And, within reason, it is important to feed those desires. Spring and summer are great times for fresh, cold salads and fall and winter are wonderful to warm our bodies with some nutrient dense warm soups. Leftover soups are also a quick and easy lunch to take the following day. This recipe from Danielle Walker is filled with nutrient dense comfort foods to fuel your body from the inside out.
Enjoy and stay warm!
Leftover Roast Chicken Soup with Roasted Vegetables
Angie McCormick, PT, NC, CSCS,